
WebEVTalk announcement

Dear all,

If you work with extracellular vesicles or you are interested in extracellular vesicle research please join the new weakly WebEVTalk series for EV enthusiasts around the globe! WebEVTalk aimed to support networking and to push the science forward in the field of Extracellular Vesicles. The meetings are meant to provide an alternative to F2F networking, replace regular meetings and keep moving science forward in the time of global pandemic lockdown. On the long term, the ambition is to keep and develop the platform into a regular tool that promotes and facilitates EV research.

If you are interested in following the talks or present your own research please join the social network platform pages of the group (links below) and follow the talks live. If you missed a talk you can watch the record on You Tube. An introductory video by Dr Carolina Soekmadji with mission statement and information on the meeting schedule is available at YouTube.

Looking forward to meet you online!

The WebEVTalk Hosts